Just a reminder: Chapter 285, Article II, section 9, pertaining to public sidewalks.
All sidewalks shall be kept free and clear of leaves, dirt and any other obstructions or substances which may cause inconvenience or injury to pedestrians. Failure of the property owner to remove these hazards from public sidewalks could result in a fine. The borough has the authority to remove such obstructions and pass associated costs and fees onto the property owner in the event the owner fails to make the required corrections. This ordinance pertains to trees, shrubbery and other debris that could impede clear passage.
Sidewalk Safety Maintenance
Silverdale Borough is currently in the process of inspecting sidewalks. During a recent survey some properties were identified to be in need of either replacement or repairs. It is the homeowners responsibility to maintain their sidewalk and curbing for the use of pedestrians in a safe manner. Borough Ordinance Number 155 states your obligation. Chapter 287 Article II of the Code of Silverdale Borough Codification Book, specifies that “Sidewalks and/or curbs or curbing for the use of pedestrians shall be erected, built and maintained by the abutting property owners, in accordance with the widths, lines, grades and slopes and specifications adopted by the Borough of Silverdale and furnished by
or through the Borough Zoning Officer.” Please be aware that a zoning permit is required before any work can be performed. You may obtain the zoning permit through the Borough Office.